steve in SD

Adăugat: 20.04.2014
Feel the Power of Love. 'Huey Lewis & the News'
Puncte92mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 108
Ultimul joc jucat
Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em
3 ani 155 zile în urma

Activitatea de joc:

Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Joc CompletCredite Câştigate
True Blue
Jackpot Poker
Blue T-shirt
Blue Star
Welcome to MoneyLand


Cadouri: 12


Ceva despre persoana mea

Filmele favorite
okay so the best comedy in the last ten years? Tropic Thunder makes the list. reminded me of Mel Brooks' movies.
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
Don't like bullies. Peps who are mean and abusive while playing. Hiding behind the internet they are just wusses!
